Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Java Boutique: The ultimate Java Applet Resource Tutorials

The Java Boutique: The ultimate Java Applet Resource Tutorials is for everyone from novice to experienced Java programmers.
Following are the ebooks and articles about Core Java, J2EE, J2ME, Java enterprises & web services, Java GUI design, Java Security, Java Networking, Java JSP and Java Servlets, etc.
  1. Add Object Caching Caching Using Spring, AOP, and Ehcache
  2. Customize Your JSSE Key and Trust Material Managers
  3. Improved XML Binding with JAXB 2.0
  4. Recipes for Cookie Management in J2SEs Tiger and Mustang
  5. Developing UML Diagrams for EJBs with Poseidon
  6. SortedSet and SortedMap Made Easier with Two New Mustang Interfaces
  7. How Do Java's Lists Measure Up? Comparing Arrays, Lists, and Maps
  8. Resistance is Futile: How to Make Your Java Objects Conform with the Adapter Pattern
  9. StAX and XSLT Transformations with J2SE 6.0 Mustang
  10. Accessing a Database with the JSTL 1.1 SQL Tag Library
  11. An Introduction to Remote Method Activation (ROA), Part 2
  12. Simplify List Screen Creation with AJAX
  13. Manufacturing Java Objects with the Factory Method Design Pattern
  14. Managing Data with the ThreadLocal Class
  15. Data Validation with the Spring Framework
  16. Agile Development: An Expert Roundtable
  17. An Introduction to Remote Method Activation (ROA)
  18. Smoothing Out Graphics Functioning Wrinkles in Linux and Unix
  19. Creating Content and Protocol Handlers in Java, Part 2
  20. Keeping Your Java Objects Informed with the Observer Design Pattern
  21. Processing: Open Source Language Brings You Closer to Web 2.0
  22. Enterprise Logging for Distributed J2EE Applications
  23. Generate a PDF Report from a Database with BIRT
  24. All About the Singleton Design Pattern
  25. Generate a PDF Report from a Database with BIRT
  26. Parsing with StAX in JDK 6.0
  27. Book Excerpt: IntelliJ in Action
  28. Creating Content and Protocol Handlers in Java
  29. Save Time with the Ultimate toString Method
  30. Book Excerpt: AJAX Hacks
  31. Using Rasters for Image Processing, Part 2
  32. Java to XML and Back Again with Castor XML
  33. Java to XML and Back Again with Castor XML
  34. Development Standards in Apache Struts
  35. Book Excerpt: POJOs in Action
  36. Integrating Apache Axis with the Spring Framework
  37. Avoid Excessive Subclassing with the Decorator Design Pattern
  38. Using Rasters for Image Processing, Part I
  39. Run a Background Process in a Web Container Using Spring and ActiveMQ
  40. Six Steps to Faster J2EE Apps: Performance Tuning with JSP and Servlets
  41. Use Standardization to Ensure Successful Java Application Development
  42. Measuring the Complexity of OO Systems
  43. Wrap a Stateless Session EJB as a Web Service with Apache Axis
  44. Avoid the Lesser Known Pitfalls of Localizing Java Applications
  45. Use JBoss Cache to Cache and Share Data in Your Enterprise Applications
  46. Automate Data Persistence with Firestorm/DAO
  47. Upload Files with Struts, Store Them with Hibernate
  48. Make the Correct Data Classes in Your DAO Applications
  49. Coupling and Cohesion: The Two Cornerstones of OO Programming
  50. The Java Speech API: A Primer on Speech Applications
  51. Inversion of Control: A Mechanism for Highly Flexible Applications
  52. Add Logic to Your JSP Pages with the JSP Expression Language
  53. Managing DAO Transactions in Java
  54. Create an XML Web Application with Struts, Xerces, and Xalan
  55. Deliver Your Code with Confidence Using Test-driven Development
  56. Building Easy Java GUIs with Thinlet, Part 2
  57. Add Rich Media Content to Your J2EE Apps with Enterprise Media Beans
  58. Building Easy Java GUIs with Thinlet, Part 1
  59. Streamline Your JSP Management with Enhydra
  60. Plug-in to Reusability in Java
  61. Service-oriented Architecture, Part 3
  62. iText Document Generator: PDF Generation Made Easy
  63. SAMS: Java.s API For Mobile Services
  64. Plug-in to Reusability in Java
  65. Service Oriented Architecture - Part 2
  66. Service Oriented Architecture - Part 1
  67. Working with JDOM, XPath and XSLT
  68. Metrics for Object Oriented Software Development
  69. Digesting XML documents
  70. The Mysteries of Business Object - Part 2<
  71. The Spring Framework
  72. The Mysteries of Business Objects - Part 1
  73. Program Annotation Facility
  74. Using DAOs in Apache Struts
  75. Using FOP with Java - Graphics in FOP - Part 3
  76. Unweaving a Tangled Web With HTMLParser and Lucene
  77. Using FOP with Java - Part 2
  78. Using Program Parameters in Java
  79. Configuring the SQuirrel JDBC client for use with MySQL
  80. Converting XML to JavaBeans with XMLBeans
  81. Advanced Forms Handling in Struts 1.1
  82. Adding Spice to Struts - Part 2
  83. A Brief Introduction to Struts – Expression Language
  84. The Power of Three - Eclipse, Tomcat, and Struts
  85. Adding Spice to Struts
  86. To Inherit or Compose—-That is the Question
  87. Handling Messages, Errors and Exceptions in Struts 1.1
  88. The Pitfalls of Inheritance
  89. Using Mock Objects in Java
  90. Strictly Struts
  91. J2EE Activity Service for Extended Transactions
  92. StrutsTestCase: The Tool for Struts Unit Testing Part 2
  93. StrutsTestCase: The Tool for Struts Unit Testing
  94. Trader Pattern for Invoking Services
  95. Java Certification Path API
  96. Stepping through the Struts 1.1 Validator
  97. Creating an SQL-Java Gateway
  98. Using CASTOR for DB Access from STRUTS
  99. Converting XML documents to Java objects with Castor XML
  100. Putting Design Principles to Test - Part 2
  101. Cultivating your relationship with Castor-JDO
  102. Putting Design Principles to the Test(A Java based Case Study)
  103. Java Client Provisioning
  104. Mapping Java Objects to a Database with Castor-JDO
  105. Building a sample Web App with STRUTS Part 2
  106. Designing Packages for Stability
  107. Load Testing your Applications with Apache JMeter
  108. Package Design
  109. Java Management Extensions
  110. Building a sample Web App with STRUTS
  111. Digging deeper into Apache Axis
  112. The Java Game Development Tutorial
  113. Working with files and directories in Java (2)
  114. Working with files and directories in Java
  115. Making the Switch to Java
  116. Brush Up on Basics
You can read or download this Java tutorial from the following link.

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SCBCD Study Guide

The purpose of this document is to help in preparation for exam CX-310-090 (Sun Certified Business Component Developer for the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition 1.3). This document should not be used as the only study material for SCBCD test. It covers all objective topics, but it is not enough. I tried to make this document as much accurate as possible, but if you find any error, please let me know.
Following are the exam objectives covered in this SCBCD guide
  • EJB Overview: Identify the use, benefits, and characteristics of Enterprise JavaBeans technology, for version 2.0 of the EJB specification. Identify EJB 2.0 container requirements. Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about EJB programming restrictions. Match EJB roles with the corresponding description of the role's responsibilities, where the description may include deployment descriptor information. Given a list, identify which are requirements for an EJB-jar file.
  • Client View of a Session Bean: Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about the client view of a session bean's local and remote home interfaces, including the code used by a client to locate a session bean's home interface. Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about the client view of a session bean's local and remote component interfaces.
  • Session Bean Component Contract: Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about session beans, including conversational state, the SessionBean interface, and create methods. Identify the use and the behavior of the ejbPassivate method in a session bean, including the responsibilities of both the container and the bean provider. Identify the interface and method for each of the following: retrieve the session bean's remote home interface, retrieve the session bean's local component interface, determine if the session bean's caller has a particular role, allow the instance to mark the current transaction as a rollback, retrieve the UserTransaction interface, prepare the instance for reuse following passivation, release resources prior to removal, identify the invoker of the bean instance's component interface, be notified that a new transaction has begun, and be notified that the current transaction has completed. Match the correct description about purpose and function to which session bean type they apply: stateless, stateful, or both. Given a list of responsibilities related to session beans, identify those which are the responsibility of the session bean provider and those which are the responsibility of the EJB container provider. Given a list of requirements, identify those which are the requirements for a session bean class, a remote component interface, a remote home interface, create methods, business methods, a local component interface, and a local home interface.
  • Session Bean Life Cycle: Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about the life cycle of a stateful or stateless session bean instance. Given a list of methods for a stateful or stateless session bean class, define which of the following operations can be performed from each of those methods: SessionContext interface methods, UserTransaction methods, Java Naming and Directory Interface API (JNDI API) access to java:comp/env environment naming context, resource manager access, and other enterprise bean access. Given a list of scenarios, identify which will result in an ejbRemove method not being called on a bean instance.
  • Client View of an Entity: Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about the client of an entity bean's local and remote home interface, including viewing the code used to locate an entity bean's home interface and the home interface methods provided to the client. Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about the client view of an entity bean's local component interface (EJBLocalObject). Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about the client view of a entity bean's remote component interface (EJBObject). Identify the use, syntax, and behavior of, the following entity bean home method types, for Container-Managed Persistence (CMP); finder methods, create methods, remove methods, and home methods.
  • Component Contract for Container-Managed Persistence (CMP): Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about the entity bean provider's view and programming contract for CMP, including the requirements for a CMP entity bean. Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about persistent relationships, remove protocols, and about the abstract schema type of a CMP entity bean. Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about the rules and semantics for relationship assignment and relationship updating in a CMP bean. Match the name with a description of purpose or functionality, for each of the following deployment descriptor elements: ejb-name, abstract-schema-name, ejb-relation, ejb-relationship-role, cmr-field, cmr-field-type, and relationship-role-source. Identify correctly-implemented deployment descriptor elements for a CMP bean (including container-managed relationships). Identify the interfaces and methods a CMP entity bean must and must not implement.
  • CMP Entity Bean Life Cycle : Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about the life cycle of a CMP entity bean. From a list, identify the purpose, behavior, and responsibilities of the bean provider for a CMP entity bean, including but not limited to: setEntityContext, unsetEntityContext, ejbCreate, ejbPostCreate, ejbActivate, ejbPassivate, ejbRemove, ejbLoad, ejbStore, ejbFind, ejbHome, and ejbSelect. From a list, identify the responsibility of the container for a CMP entity bean, including but not limited to: setEntityContext, unsetEntityContext, ejbCreate, ejbPostCreate, ejbActivate, ejbPassivate, ejbRemove, ejbLoad, ejbStore, ejbFind, ejbHome, and ejbSelect.
  • Entity Beans: From a list of behaviors, match them with the appropriate EntityContext method responsible for that behavior. Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about an entity bean's primary key and object identity.
  • EJB-QL: Identify correct and incorrect syntax for an EJB QL query including the SELECT, FROM, and WHERE clauses. Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about the purpose and use of EJB QL. Identify correct and incorrect conditional expressions, BETWEEN expressions, IN expressions, LIKE expressions, and comparison expressions.
  • Message-Driven Bean Component Contract: Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about the client view of a message-driven bean, and the life cycle of a message-driven bean. Identify the interfaces and methods a JMS message-driven bean must implement. Identify the use and behavior of the MessageDrivenContext interface methods. From a list, identify the responsibility of the bean provider and the responsibility of the container provider for a message-driven bean.
  • Transactions: Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about EJB transactions, including bean-managed transaction demarcation and container-managed transaction demarcation. Identify correct and incorrect statements about the Application Assembler's responsibilities, including the use of deployment descriptor elements related to transactions and the identification of the methods of a particular bean type for which a transaction attribute must be specified. Given a list of transaction behaviors, match them with the appropriate transaction attributes. Given a list of responsibilities, identify whose which are the Container's with respect to transactions, including the handling of getRollbackOnly, setRollbackOnly, getUserTransaction, SessionSynchronzation callbacks, for both container and bean-managed transactions.
  • Exceptions: Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about exception handling in EJB. Given a list of responsibilities related to exceptions, identify those which are the bean provider's, and those which are the responsibility of the container provider. Be prepared to recognize responsibilities for which neither the bean provider or the container provider are responsible. Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about application exceptions and system exceptions in entity beans, session beans, and message-driven beans. Given a particular method condition, identify the following: whether an exception will be thrown, the type of exception thrown, the container's action, and the client's view. Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about the client's view of exceptions received from an enterprise bean invocation.
  • Enterprise Bean Environment: Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about an enterprise bean's environment JNDI API naming. Identify correct and incorrect statements about the purpose and use of the deployment descriptor elements for environment entries, EJB references, and resource manager connection factory references; including whether a given code listing is appropriate and correct with respect to a particular deployment descriptor element. Given a list of responsibilities, identify which belong to the deployer, bean provider, application assembler, container provider, system administrator, or any combination.
  • Security Management: Identify correct and incorrect statements about the EJB support for security management including security roles, security role references, and method permissions. From a list of responsibilities, identify which belong to the application assembler, bean provider, deployer, container provider, or system administrator.Given a code listing, determine whether it is a legal and appropriate way to programmatically access a caller's security context. Given a security-related deployment descriptor tag, identify correct and incorrect statements and code related to that tag.

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The SCJP Handbook

With at least a dozen books on SCJP in the market, a question naturally arises is to why add one more? The Java certification assesses the conceptual knowledge and is not similar to academic or theoretical examinations. Hence purely academic approach may not work well for the exam. Therefore while following the SCJP syllabus, sufficient efforts must be put in to get true understanding of essential java concepts. There are many excellent books on SCJP and they are good enough for readers who know Java quite well. However they may be bit confusing for Java beginners. Since SCJP exam is particularly popular among Java beginners, this is an important issue. The SCJP Handbook tries to be different- While focusing on SCJP objectives—the assessment of important core Java concepts—it goes one step further—to discuss the concepts themselves.
When I started preparing for SCJP I knew only as much Java as needed for my work. Preparation for SCJP gave me an opportunity to experiment with several other interesting aspects of Java (threads for instance) and to learn “Java-as-a-language” from scratch. But while doing so I had gone through several books to truly get the picture of many Java concepts. It made me think to write a book on SCJP. I wrote this book because this was the book that I wanted to read when I started my SCJP preparation. I hope to make this book a one-stop-solution for SCJP.

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SCWCD: Web Component Developer Certification

This is a very useful SCWCD guide for SCWCD web component developer certification. Following are the exam objectives covered in this Java SCWCD exam preparation guide.
  • The HTTP methods
  • The HttpServletRequest interface
  • Using HttpServletResponse
  • The servlet life cycle
  • The file and directory structure of a web app
  • The deployment descriptor (web.xml)
  • The Deployment Descriptor structure
  • War files
  • The Web container model
  • Servlet Scopes and attributes
  • Requests and filters
  • Container life cycles and listeners
  • The RequestDispatcher mechanism
  • Storing objects in sessions
  • When sessions are created and destroyed
  • Session listeners
  • Session Management
  • Web Application Security
  • Security and the deployment descriptor
  • Comparing authentication types
  • JSP Elements
  • JSP directives
  • JSP with XML tags
  • The JSP lifecycle
  • JSP implicit objects
  • Configuring to use tag libraries
  • The include directive and standard action
  • EL and implicit variables
  • EL Arrays and collections
  • EL operators
  • EL Code that uses functions
  • JSP standard actions
  • The include, forward and param tags
  • Using tag libraries
  • Custom tags in JSP pages
  • Using the JSTL 1.1
  • Building custom tag libraries
  • PageContext, and tag handlers
  • Tags, parent tags and ancestors
  • Simple Tags
  • The tag file model
  • Design Patterns

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Oracle PL/SQL Programming Second Edition

What, specifically, will this book help you do?
Take full advantage of PL/SQL. The reference manuals may describe all the features of the PL/SQL language, but they don't tell you how to apply the technology. In fact, in some cases, you'll be lucky to even understand how to use a given feature after you've made your way through the railroad diagrams. Books and training courses tend to cover the same standard topics in the same limited way. In this book, we'll venture beyond to the edges of the language, to the nonstandard ways in which a particular feature can be tweaked to achieve a desired result.
Use PL/SQL to solve your problems. You don't spend your days and nights writing PL/SQL modules so that you can rise to a higher plane of existence. You use PL/SQL to solve problems for your company or your customers. In this book, I try hard to help you tackle real-world problems, the kinds of issues developers face on a daily basis (at least those problems that can be solved with mere software). To do this, I've packed the book with examples -- not just small code fragments, but complete application components you can apply immediately to your own situations. There is a good deal of code in the book itself, and much more on the disk that accompanies the book. In this book I guide you through the analytical process used to come up with a solution. In this way I hope you'll see, in the most concrete terms, how to apply PL/SQL features and undocumented applications of those features to a particular situation.
Write efficient, maintainable code. PL/SQL and the rest of the Oracle products offer the potential for incredible development productivity. If you aren't careful, however, this rapid development capability will simply let you dig yourself into a deeper, darker hole than you've ever found yourself in before. I would consider this book a failure if it only ended up helping programmers write more code in less time than ever before. I want to help you develop the skills and techniques that give you the time to build modules which readily adapt to change and are easily understood and maintained. I want to teach you to use comprehensive strategies and code architectures which allow you to apply PL/SQL in powerful, general ways to many of the problems you will face.

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Oracle PL/SQL Programming - Guide to Oracle8i Features

2700 pages and still writing! Sometimes I feel like the Energizer Bunny of PL/SQL. But Oracle keeps the features coming, and after all these years, I'm still enthusiastic about what PL/SQL can do to improve the quality of life for developers. Even with the coming of Java(TM) in Oracle8i, I believe strongly that the future is bright for PL/SQL developers.
This short book is something of a departure for me -- those of you who have read my larger tomes may wonder if I've found a ghostwriter! Now that Oracle8i is here, it's my intention to update Oracle PL/SQL Programming (now in its second edition) to cover the new version of the Oracle database. Along with developing a third edition of that book (with my coauthor Bill Pribyl), I'm taking a critical look at all of my books to make sure that the O'Reilly & Associates PL/SQL series offers a comprehensive resource for PL/SQL developers.
For now, though, PL/SQL developers need current and useful information about the latest PL/SQL features; there are a lot of them, and some represent major changes in the language. This small book is intended to get you started on understanding these features and using them to best advantage.
For many people, the big news about Oracle8i is Java, and the big question for many PL/SQL developers is how (and whether) to use Java in conjunction with PL/SQL. Chapter 9, Calling Java from PL/SQL, is a roadmap showing PL/SQL developers how to employ Java right now. It doesn't attempt to teach you the basics of Java -- there are many other books that serve that purpose -- but it does teach you how to access Java from within PL/SQL.

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Oracle Built-in Packages

After publishing more than 1,600 pages on Oracle PL /SQL in two previous books, I marvel at the existence now of this third book covering yet other aspects of the PL /SQL language. I can still remember quite distinctly a moment in September, 1994, when I embarked on writing the first draft of Oracle PL /SQL Programming and wondered: are there really 400 pages worth of material on that much-used and often-maligned procedural language from a nonprocedural (SQL) company? If the answer to that question was a resounding "yes" in 1994, then the answer is a deafening roar today!
Maybe PL /SQL isn't the answer to every object-oriented programmer's deepest desires. Maybe developers are badly in need of -- and unreservedly deserve -- better tools with which to write, debug, and reuse PL /SQL programs. Maybe PL /SQL isn't perfect, but the reality is that hundreds of thousands of people around the world work (and struggle) with PL /SQL on a daily basis. We all need as much information as possible about how we can make the best possible use of Oracle PL /SQL.
And that is the objective of Oracle Built-in Packages. If you are going to build complex applications using PL /SQL, you will not succeed unless you learn about and figure out how to utilize many of the packages described in this book. Packages are the method of choice for Oracle and third parties like RevealNet, Inc., to extend the base PL /SQL language, to improve ease of use, and to provide brand-new functionality in the language. Writing PL /SQL code without knowing about or using built-in packages is akin to building an automobile and ignoring the last 20 years of technological advances. The resulting machine will run more slowly, use more gas, and be harder to repair.
Oracle Built-in Packages grew out of Chapter 15 of the first edition of Oracle PL /SQL Programming. When Oracle released Oracle8, it was time to update that book to include the wide-ranging new PL /SQL8 functionality. It was clear from the start that this second edition, if organized like the first, would have been well over 1,500 pages in length -- a totally impractical size for a developer's handbook.
What to do? Based on feedback from developers about Oracle PL /SQL Programming, there was an enormous amount of interest in, and often confusion surrounding, the built-in packages. These Oracle-provided "add-ons" to PL /SQL clearly needed more detailed coverage, more examples, more tips, more of just about everything. My single chapter of 100 pages was woefully inadequate. We made the decision to move that single chapter out of Oracle PL /SQL Programming and expand it into a book all its own. You are holding the result.
I recognized early in the process that I couldn't personally cover all of the Oracle built-in packages discussed in this book. I didn't have the necessary expertise, nor the time to learn, nor the time to write it all. So I sought and received the help of two excellent Oracle technologists: John Beresniewicz and Charles Dye.
Over the past six months, John, Charles, and I have researched the packages provided by Oracle in the database, verified the documentation, uncovered aberrant behavior, and discovered neat tricks. We also made it a priority to construct package-based utilities that you will be able to put to immediate use.
While Oracle Built-in Packages is a collaborative effort, it is also a combination of very individual efforts. As such, you will find differences in coding styles and philosophies. Rather than try to enforce a single standard throughout, I welcomed the variations (as long as all contributed in their own way to a deeper, clearer understanding of the PL /SQL technology). There is rarely a single right way to do anything, and there is an enormous amount we can learn from the different journeys each of us takes to a solution.

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