Over the last 10 years, the impact of wireless communications on the way we live and do business has been surpassed only by the impact of the Internet. Cellular phones, pagers, and wireless personal digital assistants (PDAs) have become so commonplace in our lives that it is easy to forget that 10 years ago, they were a rarity. But wireless communications technology is still in its infancy, and the next stage of its development will be in supplementing or replacing the network infrastructure that was traditionally “wired†as well as enabling network infrastructures that previously could only be imagined. From local coffee shops to commercial inventory control systems, within restaurants and throughout public airports, wireless commerce is beginning to challenge the exchange system that our modern world currently embraces, by accessing central pools of information and communicating directly between users and between the devices themselves. No longer are our choices restricted by the shortfalls of processing and battery power, operating system efficiencies, or heat dissipation within the small footprint of the mobile device. Rather, we are limited only by the practical application of these technologies. How will we access information? How will we integrate multiple hardware and software technologies into intelligent and useable form factors? Not all business models necessarily imply the use of a single terminal to supply the user with voice, video, and data services. Ergonomic factors may dictate that voice services are maintained privately while data exchange and video information is easily viewable from a specified distance, perhaps on complementary devices. As network engineers, the challenges before us include the seamless distribution of information between seemingly incompatible software and hardware standards. In addition, we will be challenged by narrower bandwidths to develop highly efficient means of transport in order to fully leverage wireless technologies.
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