Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Java Boutique: The ultimate Java Applet Resource Tutorials

The Java Boutique: The ultimate Java Applet Resource Tutorials is for everyone from novice to experienced Java programmers.
Following are the ebooks and articles about Core Java, J2EE, J2ME, Java enterprises & web services, Java GUI design, Java Security, Java Networking, Java JSP and Java Servlets, etc.
  1. Add Object Caching Caching Using Spring, AOP, and Ehcache
  2. Customize Your JSSE Key and Trust Material Managers
  3. Improved XML Binding with JAXB 2.0
  4. Recipes for Cookie Management in J2SEs Tiger and Mustang
  5. Developing UML Diagrams for EJBs with Poseidon
  6. SortedSet and SortedMap Made Easier with Two New Mustang Interfaces
  7. How Do Java's Lists Measure Up? Comparing Arrays, Lists, and Maps
  8. Resistance is Futile: How to Make Your Java Objects Conform with the Adapter Pattern
  9. StAX and XSLT Transformations with J2SE 6.0 Mustang
  10. Accessing a Database with the JSTL 1.1 SQL Tag Library
  11. An Introduction to Remote Method Activation (ROA), Part 2
  12. Simplify List Screen Creation with AJAX
  13. Manufacturing Java Objects with the Factory Method Design Pattern
  14. Managing Data with the ThreadLocal Class
  15. Data Validation with the Spring Framework
  16. Agile Development: An Expert Roundtable
  17. An Introduction to Remote Method Activation (ROA)
  18. Smoothing Out Graphics Functioning Wrinkles in Linux and Unix
  19. Creating Content and Protocol Handlers in Java, Part 2
  20. Keeping Your Java Objects Informed with the Observer Design Pattern
  21. Processing: Open Source Language Brings You Closer to Web 2.0
  22. Enterprise Logging for Distributed J2EE Applications
  23. Generate a PDF Report from a Database with BIRT
  24. All About the Singleton Design Pattern
  25. Generate a PDF Report from a Database with BIRT
  26. Parsing with StAX in JDK 6.0
  27. Book Excerpt: IntelliJ in Action
  28. Creating Content and Protocol Handlers in Java
  29. Save Time with the Ultimate toString Method
  30. Book Excerpt: AJAX Hacks
  31. Using Rasters for Image Processing, Part 2
  32. Java to XML and Back Again with Castor XML
  33. Java to XML and Back Again with Castor XML
  34. Development Standards in Apache Struts
  35. Book Excerpt: POJOs in Action
  36. Integrating Apache Axis with the Spring Framework
  37. Avoid Excessive Subclassing with the Decorator Design Pattern
  38. Using Rasters for Image Processing, Part I
  39. Run a Background Process in a Web Container Using Spring and ActiveMQ
  40. Six Steps to Faster J2EE Apps: Performance Tuning with JSP and Servlets
  41. Use Standardization to Ensure Successful Java Application Development
  42. Measuring the Complexity of OO Systems
  43. Wrap a Stateless Session EJB as a Web Service with Apache Axis
  44. Avoid the Lesser Known Pitfalls of Localizing Java Applications
  45. Use JBoss Cache to Cache and Share Data in Your Enterprise Applications
  46. Automate Data Persistence with Firestorm/DAO
  47. Upload Files with Struts, Store Them with Hibernate
  48. Make the Correct Data Classes in Your DAO Applications
  49. Coupling and Cohesion: The Two Cornerstones of OO Programming
  50. The Java Speech API: A Primer on Speech Applications
  51. Inversion of Control: A Mechanism for Highly Flexible Applications
  52. Add Logic to Your JSP Pages with the JSP Expression Language
  53. Managing DAO Transactions in Java
  54. Create an XML Web Application with Struts, Xerces, and Xalan
  55. Deliver Your Code with Confidence Using Test-driven Development
  56. Building Easy Java GUIs with Thinlet, Part 2
  57. Add Rich Media Content to Your J2EE Apps with Enterprise Media Beans
  58. Building Easy Java GUIs with Thinlet, Part 1
  59. Streamline Your JSP Management with Enhydra
  60. Plug-in to Reusability in Java
  61. Service-oriented Architecture, Part 3
  62. iText Document Generator: PDF Generation Made Easy
  63. SAMS: Java.s API For Mobile Services
  64. Plug-in to Reusability in Java
  65. Service Oriented Architecture - Part 2
  66. Service Oriented Architecture - Part 1
  67. Working with JDOM, XPath and XSLT
  68. Metrics for Object Oriented Software Development
  69. Digesting XML documents
  70. The Mysteries of Business Object - Part 2<
  71. The Spring Framework
  72. The Mysteries of Business Objects - Part 1
  73. Program Annotation Facility
  74. Using DAOs in Apache Struts
  75. Using FOP with Java - Graphics in FOP - Part 3
  76. Unweaving a Tangled Web With HTMLParser and Lucene
  77. Using FOP with Java - Part 2
  78. Using Program Parameters in Java
  79. Configuring the SQuirrel JDBC client for use with MySQL
  80. Converting XML to JavaBeans with XMLBeans
  81. Advanced Forms Handling in Struts 1.1
  82. Adding Spice to Struts - Part 2
  83. A Brief Introduction to Struts – Expression Language
  84. The Power of Three - Eclipse, Tomcat, and Struts
  85. Adding Spice to Struts
  86. To Inherit or Compose—-That is the Question
  87. Handling Messages, Errors and Exceptions in Struts 1.1
  88. The Pitfalls of Inheritance
  89. Using Mock Objects in Java
  90. Strictly Struts
  91. J2EE Activity Service for Extended Transactions
  92. StrutsTestCase: The Tool for Struts Unit Testing Part 2
  93. StrutsTestCase: The Tool for Struts Unit Testing
  94. Trader Pattern for Invoking Services
  95. Java Certification Path API
  96. Stepping through the Struts 1.1 Validator
  97. Creating an SQL-Java Gateway
  98. Using CASTOR for DB Access from STRUTS
  99. Converting XML documents to Java objects with Castor XML
  100. Putting Design Principles to Test - Part 2
  101. Cultivating your relationship with Castor-JDO
  102. Putting Design Principles to the Test(A Java based Case Study)
  103. Java Client Provisioning
  104. Mapping Java Objects to a Database with Castor-JDO
  105. Building a sample Web App with STRUTS Part 2
  106. Designing Packages for Stability
  107. Load Testing your Applications with Apache JMeter
  108. Package Design
  109. Java Management Extensions
  110. Building a sample Web App with STRUTS
  111. Digging deeper into Apache Axis
  112. The Java Game Development Tutorial
  113. Working with files and directories in Java (2)
  114. Working with files and directories in Java
  115. Making the Switch to Java
  116. Brush Up on Basics
You can read or download this Java tutorial from the following link.

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SCBCD Study Guide

The purpose of this document is to help in preparation for exam CX-310-090 (Sun Certified Business Component Developer for the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition 1.3). This document should not be used as the only study material for SCBCD test. It covers all objective topics, but it is not enough. I tried to make this document as much accurate as possible, but if you find any error, please let me know.
Following are the exam objectives covered in this SCBCD guide
  • EJB Overview: Identify the use, benefits, and characteristics of Enterprise JavaBeans technology, for version 2.0 of the EJB specification. Identify EJB 2.0 container requirements. Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about EJB programming restrictions. Match EJB roles with the corresponding description of the role's responsibilities, where the description may include deployment descriptor information. Given a list, identify which are requirements for an EJB-jar file.
  • Client View of a Session Bean: Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about the client view of a session bean's local and remote home interfaces, including the code used by a client to locate a session bean's home interface. Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about the client view of a session bean's local and remote component interfaces.
  • Session Bean Component Contract: Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about session beans, including conversational state, the SessionBean interface, and create methods. Identify the use and the behavior of the ejbPassivate method in a session bean, including the responsibilities of both the container and the bean provider. Identify the interface and method for each of the following: retrieve the session bean's remote home interface, retrieve the session bean's local component interface, determine if the session bean's caller has a particular role, allow the instance to mark the current transaction as a rollback, retrieve the UserTransaction interface, prepare the instance for reuse following passivation, release resources prior to removal, identify the invoker of the bean instance's component interface, be notified that a new transaction has begun, and be notified that the current transaction has completed. Match the correct description about purpose and function to which session bean type they apply: stateless, stateful, or both. Given a list of responsibilities related to session beans, identify those which are the responsibility of the session bean provider and those which are the responsibility of the EJB container provider. Given a list of requirements, identify those which are the requirements for a session bean class, a remote component interface, a remote home interface, create methods, business methods, a local component interface, and a local home interface.
  • Session Bean Life Cycle: Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about the life cycle of a stateful or stateless session bean instance. Given a list of methods for a stateful or stateless session bean class, define which of the following operations can be performed from each of those methods: SessionContext interface methods, UserTransaction methods, Java Naming and Directory Interface API (JNDI API) access to java:comp/env environment naming context, resource manager access, and other enterprise bean access. Given a list of scenarios, identify which will result in an ejbRemove method not being called on a bean instance.
  • Client View of an Entity: Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about the client of an entity bean's local and remote home interface, including viewing the code used to locate an entity bean's home interface and the home interface methods provided to the client. Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about the client view of an entity bean's local component interface (EJBLocalObject). Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about the client view of a entity bean's remote component interface (EJBObject). Identify the use, syntax, and behavior of, the following entity bean home method types, for Container-Managed Persistence (CMP); finder methods, create methods, remove methods, and home methods.
  • Component Contract for Container-Managed Persistence (CMP): Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about the entity bean provider's view and programming contract for CMP, including the requirements for a CMP entity bean. Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about persistent relationships, remove protocols, and about the abstract schema type of a CMP entity bean. Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about the rules and semantics for relationship assignment and relationship updating in a CMP bean. Match the name with a description of purpose or functionality, for each of the following deployment descriptor elements: ejb-name, abstract-schema-name, ejb-relation, ejb-relationship-role, cmr-field, cmr-field-type, and relationship-role-source. Identify correctly-implemented deployment descriptor elements for a CMP bean (including container-managed relationships). Identify the interfaces and methods a CMP entity bean must and must not implement.
  • CMP Entity Bean Life Cycle : Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about the life cycle of a CMP entity bean. From a list, identify the purpose, behavior, and responsibilities of the bean provider for a CMP entity bean, including but not limited to: setEntityContext, unsetEntityContext, ejbCreate, ejbPostCreate, ejbActivate, ejbPassivate, ejbRemove, ejbLoad, ejbStore, ejbFind, ejbHome, and ejbSelect. From a list, identify the responsibility of the container for a CMP entity bean, including but not limited to: setEntityContext, unsetEntityContext, ejbCreate, ejbPostCreate, ejbActivate, ejbPassivate, ejbRemove, ejbLoad, ejbStore, ejbFind, ejbHome, and ejbSelect.
  • Entity Beans: From a list of behaviors, match them with the appropriate EntityContext method responsible for that behavior. Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about an entity bean's primary key and object identity.
  • EJB-QL: Identify correct and incorrect syntax for an EJB QL query including the SELECT, FROM, and WHERE clauses. Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about the purpose and use of EJB QL. Identify correct and incorrect conditional expressions, BETWEEN expressions, IN expressions, LIKE expressions, and comparison expressions.
  • Message-Driven Bean Component Contract: Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about the client view of a message-driven bean, and the life cycle of a message-driven bean. Identify the interfaces and methods a JMS message-driven bean must implement. Identify the use and behavior of the MessageDrivenContext interface methods. From a list, identify the responsibility of the bean provider and the responsibility of the container provider for a message-driven bean.
  • Transactions: Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about EJB transactions, including bean-managed transaction demarcation and container-managed transaction demarcation. Identify correct and incorrect statements about the Application Assembler's responsibilities, including the use of deployment descriptor elements related to transactions and the identification of the methods of a particular bean type for which a transaction attribute must be specified. Given a list of transaction behaviors, match them with the appropriate transaction attributes. Given a list of responsibilities, identify whose which are the Container's with respect to transactions, including the handling of getRollbackOnly, setRollbackOnly, getUserTransaction, SessionSynchronzation callbacks, for both container and bean-managed transactions.
  • Exceptions: Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about exception handling in EJB. Given a list of responsibilities related to exceptions, identify those which are the bean provider's, and those which are the responsibility of the container provider. Be prepared to recognize responsibilities for which neither the bean provider or the container provider are responsible. Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about application exceptions and system exceptions in entity beans, session beans, and message-driven beans. Given a particular method condition, identify the following: whether an exception will be thrown, the type of exception thrown, the container's action, and the client's view. Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about the client's view of exceptions received from an enterprise bean invocation.
  • Enterprise Bean Environment: Identify correct and incorrect statements or examples about an enterprise bean's environment JNDI API naming. Identify correct and incorrect statements about the purpose and use of the deployment descriptor elements for environment entries, EJB references, and resource manager connection factory references; including whether a given code listing is appropriate and correct with respect to a particular deployment descriptor element. Given a list of responsibilities, identify which belong to the deployer, bean provider, application assembler, container provider, system administrator, or any combination.
  • Security Management: Identify correct and incorrect statements about the EJB support for security management including security roles, security role references, and method permissions. From a list of responsibilities, identify which belong to the application assembler, bean provider, deployer, container provider, or system administrator.Given a code listing, determine whether it is a legal and appropriate way to programmatically access a caller's security context. Given a security-related deployment descriptor tag, identify correct and incorrect statements and code related to that tag.

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The SCJP Handbook

With at least a dozen books on SCJP in the market, a question naturally arises is to why add one more? The Java certification assesses the conceptual knowledge and is not similar to academic or theoretical examinations. Hence purely academic approach may not work well for the exam. Therefore while following the SCJP syllabus, sufficient efforts must be put in to get true understanding of essential java concepts. There are many excellent books on SCJP and they are good enough for readers who know Java quite well. However they may be bit confusing for Java beginners. Since SCJP exam is particularly popular among Java beginners, this is an important issue. The SCJP Handbook tries to be different- While focusing on SCJP objectives—the assessment of important core Java concepts—it goes one step further—to discuss the concepts themselves.
When I started preparing for SCJP I knew only as much Java as needed for my work. Preparation for SCJP gave me an opportunity to experiment with several other interesting aspects of Java (threads for instance) and to learn “Java-as-a-language” from scratch. But while doing so I had gone through several books to truly get the picture of many Java concepts. It made me think to write a book on SCJP. I wrote this book because this was the book that I wanted to read when I started my SCJP preparation. I hope to make this book a one-stop-solution for SCJP.

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SCWCD: Web Component Developer Certification

This is a very useful SCWCD guide for SCWCD web component developer certification. Following are the exam objectives covered in this Java SCWCD exam preparation guide.
  • The HTTP methods
  • The HttpServletRequest interface
  • Using HttpServletResponse
  • The servlet life cycle
  • The file and directory structure of a web app
  • The deployment descriptor (web.xml)
  • The Deployment Descriptor structure
  • War files
  • The Web container model
  • Servlet Scopes and attributes
  • Requests and filters
  • Container life cycles and listeners
  • The RequestDispatcher mechanism
  • Storing objects in sessions
  • When sessions are created and destroyed
  • Session listeners
  • Session Management
  • Web Application Security
  • Security and the deployment descriptor
  • Comparing authentication types
  • JSP Elements
  • JSP directives
  • JSP with XML tags
  • The JSP lifecycle
  • JSP implicit objects
  • Configuring to use tag libraries
  • The include directive and standard action
  • EL and implicit variables
  • EL Arrays and collections
  • EL operators
  • EL Code that uses functions
  • JSP standard actions
  • The include, forward and param tags
  • Using tag libraries
  • Custom tags in JSP pages
  • Using the JSTL 1.1
  • Building custom tag libraries
  • PageContext, and tag handlers
  • Tags, parent tags and ancestors
  • Simple Tags
  • The tag file model
  • Design Patterns

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Oracle PL/SQL Programming Second Edition

What, specifically, will this book help you do?
Take full advantage of PL/SQL. The reference manuals may describe all the features of the PL/SQL language, but they don't tell you how to apply the technology. In fact, in some cases, you'll be lucky to even understand how to use a given feature after you've made your way through the railroad diagrams. Books and training courses tend to cover the same standard topics in the same limited way. In this book, we'll venture beyond to the edges of the language, to the nonstandard ways in which a particular feature can be tweaked to achieve a desired result.
Use PL/SQL to solve your problems. You don't spend your days and nights writing PL/SQL modules so that you can rise to a higher plane of existence. You use PL/SQL to solve problems for your company or your customers. In this book, I try hard to help you tackle real-world problems, the kinds of issues developers face on a daily basis (at least those problems that can be solved with mere software). To do this, I've packed the book with examples -- not just small code fragments, but complete application components you can apply immediately to your own situations. There is a good deal of code in the book itself, and much more on the disk that accompanies the book. In this book I guide you through the analytical process used to come up with a solution. In this way I hope you'll see, in the most concrete terms, how to apply PL/SQL features and undocumented applications of those features to a particular situation.
Write efficient, maintainable code. PL/SQL and the rest of the Oracle products offer the potential for incredible development productivity. If you aren't careful, however, this rapid development capability will simply let you dig yourself into a deeper, darker hole than you've ever found yourself in before. I would consider this book a failure if it only ended up helping programmers write more code in less time than ever before. I want to help you develop the skills and techniques that give you the time to build modules which readily adapt to change and are easily understood and maintained. I want to teach you to use comprehensive strategies and code architectures which allow you to apply PL/SQL in powerful, general ways to many of the problems you will face.

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Oracle PL/SQL Programming - Guide to Oracle8i Features

2700 pages and still writing! Sometimes I feel like the Energizer Bunny of PL/SQL. But Oracle keeps the features coming, and after all these years, I'm still enthusiastic about what PL/SQL can do to improve the quality of life for developers. Even with the coming of Java(TM) in Oracle8i, I believe strongly that the future is bright for PL/SQL developers.
This short book is something of a departure for me -- those of you who have read my larger tomes may wonder if I've found a ghostwriter! Now that Oracle8i is here, it's my intention to update Oracle PL/SQL Programming (now in its second edition) to cover the new version of the Oracle database. Along with developing a third edition of that book (with my coauthor Bill Pribyl), I'm taking a critical look at all of my books to make sure that the O'Reilly & Associates PL/SQL series offers a comprehensive resource for PL/SQL developers.
For now, though, PL/SQL developers need current and useful information about the latest PL/SQL features; there are a lot of them, and some represent major changes in the language. This small book is intended to get you started on understanding these features and using them to best advantage.
For many people, the big news about Oracle8i is Java, and the big question for many PL/SQL developers is how (and whether) to use Java in conjunction with PL/SQL. Chapter 9, Calling Java from PL/SQL, is a roadmap showing PL/SQL developers how to employ Java right now. It doesn't attempt to teach you the basics of Java -- there are many other books that serve that purpose -- but it does teach you how to access Java from within PL/SQL.

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Oracle Built-in Packages

After publishing more than 1,600 pages on Oracle PL /SQL in two previous books, I marvel at the existence now of this third book covering yet other aspects of the PL /SQL language. I can still remember quite distinctly a moment in September, 1994, when I embarked on writing the first draft of Oracle PL /SQL Programming and wondered: are there really 400 pages worth of material on that much-used and often-maligned procedural language from a nonprocedural (SQL) company? If the answer to that question was a resounding "yes" in 1994, then the answer is a deafening roar today!
Maybe PL /SQL isn't the answer to every object-oriented programmer's deepest desires. Maybe developers are badly in need of -- and unreservedly deserve -- better tools with which to write, debug, and reuse PL /SQL programs. Maybe PL /SQL isn't perfect, but the reality is that hundreds of thousands of people around the world work (and struggle) with PL /SQL on a daily basis. We all need as much information as possible about how we can make the best possible use of Oracle PL /SQL.
And that is the objective of Oracle Built-in Packages. If you are going to build complex applications using PL /SQL, you will not succeed unless you learn about and figure out how to utilize many of the packages described in this book. Packages are the method of choice for Oracle and third parties like RevealNet, Inc., to extend the base PL /SQL language, to improve ease of use, and to provide brand-new functionality in the language. Writing PL /SQL code without knowing about or using built-in packages is akin to building an automobile and ignoring the last 20 years of technological advances. The resulting machine will run more slowly, use more gas, and be harder to repair.
Oracle Built-in Packages grew out of Chapter 15 of the first edition of Oracle PL /SQL Programming. When Oracle released Oracle8, it was time to update that book to include the wide-ranging new PL /SQL8 functionality. It was clear from the start that this second edition, if organized like the first, would have been well over 1,500 pages in length -- a totally impractical size for a developer's handbook.
What to do? Based on feedback from developers about Oracle PL /SQL Programming, there was an enormous amount of interest in, and often confusion surrounding, the built-in packages. These Oracle-provided "add-ons" to PL /SQL clearly needed more detailed coverage, more examples, more tips, more of just about everything. My single chapter of 100 pages was woefully inadequate. We made the decision to move that single chapter out of Oracle PL /SQL Programming and expand it into a book all its own. You are holding the result.
I recognized early in the process that I couldn't personally cover all of the Oracle built-in packages discussed in this book. I didn't have the necessary expertise, nor the time to learn, nor the time to write it all. So I sought and received the help of two excellent Oracle technologists: John Beresniewicz and Charles Dye.
Over the past six months, John, Charles, and I have researched the packages provided by Oracle in the database, verified the documentation, uncovered aberrant behavior, and discovered neat tricks. We also made it a priority to construct package-based utilities that you will be able to put to immediate use.
While Oracle Built-in Packages is a collaborative effort, it is also a combination of very individual efforts. As such, you will find differences in coding styles and philosophies. Rather than try to enforce a single standard throughout, I welcomed the variations (as long as all contributed in their own way to a deeper, clearer understanding of the PL /SQL technology). There is rarely a single right way to do anything, and there is an enormous amount we can learn from the different journeys each of us takes to a solution.

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Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages

Who would have thought that just one year after the publication of Oracle PL/SQL Programming, a 916-page tome on "everything PL/SQL", I'd end up writing a second book about the PL/SQL language? Although back in September 1995 I wasn't arrogant enough to think that I knew all there was to know about PL/SQL, I also underestimated how much more I had still to learn!
I am firmly of the belief that one never stops learning -- as long as one is open to learning. The area of PL/SQL in which I needed lots more education turned out to be packages. In my first book I explained how to build and use packages. I even provided lots of examples of package construction. But I started to realize that this wasn't enough. Over the past year, I have been designing and developing a set of packages to help me build PL/SQL-based applications. This was a thoroughly selfish effort: I wanted to be as productive as possible, and I wanted to overcome a number of weaknesses -- however transient -- in the PL/SQL language. In the process of writing this software, I learned a good deal about the best ways to build PL/SQL code, especially regarding packages. I also discovered some very interesting techniques that can make packaged software more maintainable, accessible, and easy to use.
As my thinking on the construction of packages crystallized, I began to view all of my packages as a library of code that could be used by any PL/SQL developer. I also realized that I wanted to share the new techniques and lessons I had uncovered. The result? This book and the PL/Vision product.
How often do you find yourself writing a program and simultaneously thinking: somebody must have done this before! You feel certain that you are reinventing the wheel. Worse, if you are sufficiently honest with yourself, you will also admit that someone else has probably spent more time on the problem and has already come up with a better solution than you are likely to develop for your specific application.
Often, you know you should take the time to "genericize" a program so that you can use it again and again in different circumstances. Somehow, however, you never find the time -- and the mental space -- to take your code to that higher level of abstraction.
So you limp along, accepting a relatively low level of productivity and reusing a truly minimal amount of code. You write the same things over and over and simply push aside the feeling that you are wasting your time.
Oracle developers are fortunate to be able to use an advanced, robust language like PL/SQL. PL/SQL developers are, on the other hand, less than fortunate (at least as of September 1996) to find that the supporting environment for PL/SQL is still very immature. Where are the debuggers, the code formatters and generators, the toolboxes of reusable programs and objects? When will we have a powerful editor that knows about PL/SQL syntax and -- more importantly -- the stored code available for execution?
When, you might also ask, will this guy stop complaining? It is acceptable to identify weaknesses. It is constructive to analyze areas for improvement. At some point, however, you have to stop whining and start improving things for yourself. Best yet, keep on whining but engage in self-improvement at the same time!
This book will help you write better packages. It will also show you how to use the "prebuilt" packages of the PL/Vision software product -- my attempt to change the "situation on the ground" for PL/SQL programmers. Finally, I hope that it will, via examination of my source code and the way I separated functional areas in PL/Vision, offer a blueprint for PL/SQL developers to discover how to take full advantage of PL/SQL packages in their day-to-day programming.

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Oracle Web Applications PL/SQL Developer's Introduction

The goal of Oracle Web Applications is to help Oracle SQL and PL/SQL developers who have little or no web programming experience to learn to develop useful web applications, using technologies most IS developers can grasp fairly quickly: WebDB, Oracle Application Server (OAS), PL/SQL, HTML, and XML.
In addition, the book introduces several other Oracle8i technologies -- Advanced Queuing (AQ), the Internet File System (iFS), interMedia, InternetLite, and Java(TM) -- and shows how they form a cohesive development framework that addresses the pressing issues of web content management, application development, and application integration. While there have been many changes in Oracle8i, it's still just a database, and there's no need to panic: data is data, whether it comes from the accounts payable system or from the Internet.
This book acknowledges that you're a busy person. Since most of us simply don't have time to read and digest an 800-page book on each individual technology, I've tried to present fundamental elements of the topics you'll use most often in your daily development efforts. This book will get you started and solidly on your way, but it's not, obviously, the ultimate reference. Rather, it is a "Cliff Notes" of Oracle web development -- enough to help you pass the test, but not enough to help you appreciate the finer points. Once you've read the book, however, you'll be ready to delve into the various areas (WebDB, PL/SQL, Java, etc.) more deeply. Your first step on that journey should be to consult the appendix for information on further resources.

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Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference

The Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference is a quick reference guide to the PL/SQL programming language, which provides procedural extensions to the SQL relational database language and a range of Oracle development tools.
Where a package, program, or function is supported only for a particular version of Oracle (e.g., Oracle8i), we indicate this in the text.
The purpose of this pocket reference is to help PL/SQL users find the syntax of specific language elements. It is not a self-contained user guide; basic knowledge of the PL/SQL programming language is required.
For more information, see the following books:
  • Oracle PL/SQL Programming, 2nd Edition, by Steven Feuerstein with Bill Pribyl (O'Reilly & Associates, 1997).
  • Oracle Built-in Packages, by Steven Feuerstein, Charles Dye, and John Beresniewicz (O'Reilly & Associates, 1998).
  • Oracle PL/SQL Built-ins Pocket Reference, by Steven Feuerstein, John Beresniewicz, and Chip Dawes (O'Reilly & Associates, 1998).

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Oracle PL/SQL Built-ins Pocket Reference

The Oracle PL/SQL Built-ins Pocket Reference is a quick reference guide to the many built-in packages and functions provided by Oracle Corporation. It contains a concise description of the syntax for the following:
  • Built-in packages
  • Built-in functions
  • RESTRICT REFERENCES pragmas for the built-in packages
  • Nonprogram elements (e.g., constants, exceptions, etc.) defined in the built-in packages

Although we don't include every single package and function in this pocket reference, we've included all the built-ins that most PL/SQL developers will ever need to use.

The purpose of this pocket reference is to help PL/SQL users find the syntax of specific built-in headers. It is not a self-contained user guide; basic knowledge of PL/SQL and its built-ins is required. For more information, see the following books:

  • Oracle PL/SQL Programming, by Steven Feuerstein and Bill Pribyl (O'Reilly & Associates, Second Edition, 1997).
  • Oracle Built-in Packages, by Steven Feuerstein, Charles Dye, and John Beresniewicz (O'Reilly & Associates, 1998).

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Oracle 10g, 11g, PL/SQL, SQL Server 2005, MySQL Ebooks

You can find book reviews regarding Oracle 10g, 11g, PL/SQL, SQL Server 2005 and MySQL. These books teaches you to install, create and share SQL Server 2005 reports, SQL server rendering, SQL Server reporting, Deploy and maintain report models, SQL Server report servicing, data accessing methods of MySQL, MySQL data retrieving and Data storing, Data accessing methods from multiple tables and MySQL statements, copy tables between different servers and MySQL database creation according to time schedules, Oracle Administration, Oracle practical examples, Oracle security implementations, oracle advance security, PL/SQL coding styles & conventions, PL/SQL program construction and package construction, Oracle 11g new features, Oracle resiliency, Data gaurd, RMAN, secure files using encryption, Practical Questions and Lab Questions for OCP, Oracle 10g Database Administrators, drill exams for OCP, and 300 OCP exam questions with detailed answers and explanation.

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Getting Started with MySQL

This article is the first in an educational series offered by MySQL AB aimed towards providing the reader with valuable insight into the MySQL database server. Although future articles will delve into some of the more complicated topics surrounding MySQL, including replication, ODBC and optimization, it was thought to be prudent if the first tutorial started, well, at the beginning. Therefore the goal of this article is to thoroughly acquaint the reader with various topics surrounding the basic functioning of MySQL. A synopsis of what is covered is shown in the Table of Contents, listed below. You can go to any topic listed in the Table of Contents simply by clicking on its title.

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MySQL 5.1 Reference Manual

This is the Reference Manual for the MySQL Database System, version 5.1, through release 5.1.12-beta. It is not intended for use with older versions of the MySQL software due to the many functional and other differences between MySQL 5.1 and previous versions. If you are using an earlier release of the MySQL software, please refer to the MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual, which covers the 5.0 series of MySQL software releases, or to MySQL 3.23, 4.0, 4.1 Reference Manual, which covers the 3.23, 4.0, and 4.1 series of MySQL software releases. Differences between minor versions of MySQL 5.1 are noted in the present text with reference to release numbers (5.1.x).

Because this manual serves as a reference, it does not provide general instruction on SQL or relational database concepts. It also does not teach you how to use your operating system or command-line interpreter.

The MySQL Database Software is under constant development, and the Reference Manual is updated frequently as well. The most recent version of the manual is available online in searchable form at Other formats also are available there, including HTML, PDF, and Windows CHM versions.........

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Oracle 10g, 11g, PL/SQL, SQL Server 2005, MySQL Ebooks

You can find book reviews regarding Oracle 10g, 11g, PL/SQL, SQL Server 2005 and MySQL. These books teaches you to install, create and share SQL Server 2005 reports, SQL server rendering, SQL Server reporting, Deploy and maintain report models, SQL Server report servicing, data accessing methods of MySQL, MySQL data retrieving and Data storing, Data accessing methods from multiple tables and MySQL statements, copy tables between different servers and MySQL database creation according to time schedules, Oracle Administration, Oracle practical examples, Oracle security implementations, oracle advance security, PL/SQL coding styles & conventions, PL/SQL program construction and package construction, Oracle 11g new features, Oracle resiliency, Data gaurd, RMAN, secure files using encryption, Practical Questions and Lab Questions for OCP, Oracle 10g Database Administrators, drill exams for OCP, and 300 OCP exam questions with detailed answers and explanation.

Following are the Database book reviews.

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Database Programming with Perl

Types of databases
There are many different types of databases, including:
  • Flat-file text databases
  • Associative flat-file databases such as Berkeley DB
  • Relational databases
  • Object databases
  • Network databases
  • Hierarchical databases such as LDAP

Relational databases are by far the most useful type commonly available, and this training module focusses largely on them, after looking briefly at flat file text databases.

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Concurrency Control and Recovery in Database Systems

For over 20 years, businesses have been moving their data processing activities on-line. Many businesses, such as airlines and banks, are no longer able to function when their on-line computer systems are down. Their on-line databases must be up-to-date and correct at all times.
In part, the requirement for correctness and reliability is the burden of the application programming staff. They write the application programs that perform the business’s basic functions: make a deposit or withdrawal, reserve a seat or purchase a ticket, buy or sell a security, etc. Each of these programs is designed and tested to perform its function correctly. However, even the most carefully implemented application program is vulnerable to certain errors that are beyond its control. These potential errors arise from two sources: concurrency and failures.
Multiprogramming is essential for attaining high performance. Its effect is to allow many programs to interleave their executions. That is, they execute concwrently. When such programs interleave their accesses to the database, they can interfere. Avoiding this interference is called the concurrency control problem.

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Data Transfer Strategies

Transferring data between XML documents and relational databases
by Ronald Bourret
In this paper we will discuss strategies for transferring data between XML documents and relational databases according to two mappings (a table-based mapping and an object-based mapping) commonly used to map DTDs to relational databases. Although the discussion largely focuses on the difference between using SAX- and DOM-based tools to transfer data, it also discusses a number of strategies for traversing both the XML and database hierarchies and the tradeoffs among them.

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Building a Database-Driven Web Site Using PHP and MySQL

On the Web today, content is king. After you've mastered HTML and learned a few neat tricks in JavaScript and Dynamic HTML, you can probably build a pretty impressive-looking Web site design. But then comes the time to fill that fancy page layout with some real information. Any site that successfully attracts repeat visitors has to have fresh and constantly updated content. In the world of traditional site building, that means HTML files--and lots of 'em.
The problem is that, more often than not, the people providing the content for a site are not the same people handling its design. Oftentimes, the content provider doesn't even know HTML. How, then, is the content to get from the provider onto the Web site? Not every company can afford to staff a full-time Webmaster, and most Webmasters have better things to do than copying Word files into HTML templates anyway........

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Introduction to Databases for web developers

Types of Database
These days, when you talk about databases in the wild, you are primarily talking about two types:
  • Analytical databases
  • Operational databases.

Let's examine each type

Analytic databases (a.k.a. OLAP- On Line Analytical Processing) are primarily static, read-only databases which store archived, historical data used for analysis. For example, a company might store sales records over the last ten years in an analytic database and use that database to analyze marketing strategies in relationship to demographics.

On the web, you will often see analytic databases in the form of inventory catalogs such as the one shown on the previous page from An inventory catalog analytical database usually holds descriptive information about all available products in the inventory.

Web pages are generated dynamically by querying the list of available products in the inventory against some search parameters. The dynamically-generated page will display the information about each item (such as title, author, ISBN) which is stored in the database.

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Information Modeling

This PDF version of book covers Introduction (brief intro to Z and to SQL), Specific facts (relations and functions in Z), Sets (set extension, comprehension, power sets, product sets), Relations (database relations - Z style) , Introducing SQL, SQL retrieval (select from where), SQL modularization (group by, views), Facts and relations (conceptual schema modelling), Uncovering facts (brief methodology), Fact-based analysis (case-study), Entity-relationship modeling, Knowledge (predicate calculus, quantification), The knowledge base (intro to schemas in Z), From specification to implementation (specifying in Z, implementing in SQL), Database definition in SQL (create table, index, view), Database manipulation in SQL (insert, update, delete), Application programming, Case studies, and Refinement.

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Data Modeling Techniques for Data Warehousing

This redbook gives detail coverage to the topic of data modeling techniques for data warehousing, within the context of the overall data warehouse development process.
The process of data warehouse modeling, including the steps required before and after the actual modeling step, is discussed. Detailed coverage of modeling techniques is presented in an evolutionary way through a gradual, but well-managed, expansion of the content of the actual data model.
Coverage is also given to other important aspects of data warehousing that affect, or are affected by, the modeling process. These include architecting the warehouse and populating the data warehouse.
Guidelines for selecting a data modeling tool that is appropriate for data warehousing are presented.

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Data Mining Desktop Survival Guide

Knowledge leads to wisdom and better understanding. Data mining builds knowledge from information, adding value to the tremendous stores of data that abound today--stores that are ever increasing in size and availability. Emerging from the database community in the late 1980's the discipline of data mining grew quickly to encompass researchers from Machine Learning, High Performance Computing, Visualisation, and Statistics, recognising the growing opportunity to add value to data. Today, this multi-disciplinary effort continues to deliver new techniques and tools for the analysis of very large collections of data. Searching through databases measuring in gigabytes and terabytes data mining delivers discoveries that can change the way an organisation does business. It can enable companies to remain competitive in this modern data rich, knowledge hungry, wisdom scarce world. Data mining delivers knowledge to drive wisdom.
For a long time, Statisticians and more recently Machine Learning researchers, have sought to add value to data by building models from data samples. From a statistics point of view, the aim is generally to build accurate models. From a machine learning point of view, the aim is generally to gain understanding that can be turned into actionable knowledge. Irrespective the models can help better understand the general behaviour of systems and even predict outcomes for new cases.
Statistical and symbolic techniques have often been hamstrung by their computational and memory requirements, leading to long waits for models to be built over very large datasets. Alternatively sampling of the data is required in order to generate models in a reasonable time. Traditionally we might also characterise the statistical approach as apriori hypothesis testing rather than data exploration.
Data mining strives to discover new knowledge (new hypotheses) from data, effectively letting the data speak for itself. Previously unknown patterns in very large databases are searched for, presenting discoveries in a human accessible form.

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Microsoft® Access 97 Quick Reference

The Microsoft Access 97 Quick Reference is the latest in a series of comprehensive, task-oriented references and details how to use the features and functionality of Access 97. Compiled for the intermediate-to-advanced user who wants a concise, comprehensive reference, the Microsoft Access 97 Quick Reference is loaded with detailed instructions outlining important tasks you need to complete.
The Microsoft Access 97 Quick Reference presents the tasks and functions most often sought by users of Access 97. The book also includes a comprehensive glossary with many terms and definitions that refer to the newest features in Access 97.
The Microsoft Access 97 Quick Reference is written for casual to advanced computer users who need a fast reference to Access 97 tasks, functions, and features. It is an ideal companion to Que's Special Edition Using Microsoft Access 97. The Quick Reference size makes it ideal for travel.
If you are upgrading from Access 95 or Access 2, you will find this reference useful for finding new features and looking up new ways of getting a job done. If you are converting from other field data types--for example, dBASE, Paradox, or Btrieve--this Quick Reference might be the right amount of instruction you need to transfer your know-how investment to new products.
As a reference, this book is not intended to tutor learners. If you are just starting to use Access software for the first time, or are a very casual user, you might want to consider Que's User-Friendly Using Microsoft Access 97 or The Complete Idiot's Guide to Microsoft Access 97 as a book to get you up to speed. For beginner or very casual task reference, check out Que's Easy Microsoft Access 97. If you want the most complete reference as well as tutorial and foundation information, then you need Que's Special Edition Using Microsoft Access 97. This Microsoft Access 97 Quick Reference makes an ideal companion to the comprehensive Special Edition.

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Upgrading & Repairing PCs Eighth Edition

Welcome to Upgrading and Repairing PCs, 8th Edition. This book is for people who want to upgrade, repair, maintain, and troubleshoot computers. It covers the full range of PC-compatible systems from the oldest 8-bit machines to the latest in high-end 64-bit workstations.
In addition, this book covers state-of-the-art hardware and accessories that make the most modern personal computers easier, faster, and more productive to use. Hardware coverage includes all of the Intel and Intel-compatible processors through the Pentium, Pentium Pro, and new Pentium II CPU chips; new cache and main memory technology; PCI local bus technology; CD-ROM drives; tape backups; sound boards; PC-Card and Cardbus devices for laptops; IDE and SCSI-interface devices; larger and faster hard drives; and new video adapter and display capabilities.
The comprehensive coverage of the PC-compatible personal computer in this book has consistently won acclaim since debuting as the first book of its kind on the market in 1988. Now with the release of this eighth edition, Upgrading and Repairing PCs continues its place as not only the best selling book of its type, but also the most comprehensive and easily used reference on even the most modern systems--those based on cutting-edge hardware and software. The book examines PCs in-depth, outlines the differences among them, and presents options for configuring each system at the time you purchase it.
Sections of this book provide detailed information about each internal component of a personal computer system, from the processor to the keyboard and video display. The book examines the options available in modern, high-performance PC configurations, and how to use them to your advantage; it focuses on much of the hardware and software available today and specifies the optimum configurations for achieving maximum benefit for the time and money you spend. At a glance, here are the major system components and peripherals covered in this edition of Upgrading and Repairing PCs:
  • Pentium II, Pentium Pro, Pentium, 486, and earlier central processing unit (CPU) chips.
  • The latest processor upgrade socket and slot specifications.
  • New motherboard chipsets and designs, including the ATX form factor.
  • Special bus architectures and devices, including high-speed PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) and VL-Bus (VESA Local), EISA (Extended Industry Standard Architecture), and MCA (Micro Channel Architecture).
  • Bus resources which often conflict such as Interrupt ReQuest (IRQ) lines, Direct Memory Access (DMA) channels, and Input Output (I/O) port addresses.
  • Plug and Play architecture.
  • Larger, faster hard drives and hard drive interfaces, including EIDE and SCSI.
  • Floppy drives, including 360K, 1.2M, 1.44M, and 2.88M drives.
  • New storage devices such as DVD, CD-ROM, and Magneto-Optical drives.
  • Increasing system memory capacity with SIMM and DIMM modules.
  • New types of memory including Synchronous Pipeline Burst cache, EDO RAM, Burst EDO, and Synchronous DRAM.
  • Large-screen Super VGA monitors and high-speed graphics adapter cards.
  • Peripheral devices such as CD-ROM drives, sound boards, and tape backups.
  • PC-Card and Cardbus devices for laptops.

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PC Guide- Ultimate PC maintenance Ebook

Following are the topics covered in this PC maintenance ebook.
  1. Introduction to the PC
    How the PC Works
    The Computer's Primary Jobs
    How the Computer Computes
    Example: What Happens When You Press A Key
    Overview of Systems and Components
    PC Fundamentals
    Binary vs. Decimal Measurements
    Basic Electrical Components
    Signaling, Clocks and Synchronous Data Transfer
  2. Systems and Components Reference Guide
    System Case
    Parts of the System Case
    Styles and Sizes
    Form Factors
    Case Switches
    Case LEDs
    Drive Bays
    External Power
    Electrical Power Basics
    External Power Problems
    Protection Against Power Problems
    Uninterruptible Power Supplies
    Uninterruptible Power Supply Overview
    Uninterruptible Power Supply Types
    Parts of the Uninterruptible Power Supply
    Uninterruptible Power Supply Functions and Features
    Comparison of Power Protection Methods
    The Power Supply
    Power Supply Functions and Signals
    Parts of the Power Supply
    Power Supply Form Factors
    Power Supply Output and Ratings
    Power Supply Specifications and Certifications
    Motherboard and System Devices
    The Motherboard
    Motherboard Form Factors
    Parts of the Motherboard
    Motherboard Integrated Components
    System Chipset and Controllers
    Chipset Functions and Features
    Chipset Processor Support
    Chipset Cache Support
    Chipset Memory Support
    Chipset Timing and Flow Control
    Chipset Peripheral and I/O Bus Control
    Chipset Power Management Support
    Popular Chipsets
    Fourth Generation (486 Class) Chipsets
    Fifth Generation (Pentium Class) Intel Chipsets
    Fifth Generation (Pentium Class) Non-Intel Chipsets
    Sixth Generation (Pentium Pro / Pentium II Class) Chipsets
    Keyboard Controller Functions
    Super I/O Controller Functions
    Additional Integrated Motherboard Functions
    System Buses
    System Bus Functions and Features
    System Bus Types
    Older Bus Types
    Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) Local Bus
    Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP)
    System BIOS
    System BIOS Functions and Operation
    BIOS System Boot Operations
    BIOS Components and Features
    BIOS Setup Program
    BIOS Settings
    Standard Settings
    Advanced Features
    Advanced Chipset Features
    PCI / PnP Configuration
    Power Management
    Integrated Peripherals
    IDE Device Setup / Autodetection
    Security / Password Settings
    Hardware Device Settings / ("CPU Soft Menu")
    Auto Configuration and Defaults
    Exit Setup
    System Cache
    Role of Cache in the PC
    "Layers" of Cache
    Function and Operation of the System Cache
    Cache Characteristics
    Cache Transfer Technologies and Timing
    Cache Structure and Packaging
    System Resources
    Interrupts (IRQs)
    Interrupt Function and Operation
    IRQ Details By Number
    Direct Memory Access (DMA) Channels
    DMA Channel Function and Operation
    DMA Channel Details By Number
    Input / Output (I/O) Addresses
    Logical Devices
    Memory Addresses and Device BIOSes
    System Configuration
    Resource Conflicts and Conflict Resolution
    Plug and Play
    The Processor
    Roots of the Processor: Digital Logic and the Semiconductor
    Processor Physical Characteristics
    Processor Manufacturing
    Physical Chip Characteristics
    Processor Power and Voltage
    Processor Cooling
    Processor Packaging
    Processor Sockets and Slots
    Processor Architecture and Operation
    External Processor Interfaces and Operation
    Internal Processor Architecture and Operation
    Processor Instruction Sets
    Processor Modes
    Internal Architectural Components
    Instruction Execution Process
    Performance Enhancing Architectural Features
    Processor Performance
    Processor Families
    Explanation of Processor Summary Tables
    First Generation Processors
    Second Generation Processors
    Third Generation Processors
    Fourth Generation Processors
    Fifth Generation Processors
    Sixth Generation Processors
    System Memory
    Memory Technology Types
    Memory Speed, Access and Timing
    DRAM Technologies
    Memory Size
    Memory Packaging
    Memory Errors, Detection and Correction
    Logical Memory Layout
    Video Cards
    Video Card Overview
    Video System Interfaces
    Video Modes, Resolution and Color
    Video Memory Function and Speed
    Video Memory Technologies
    Video Display Standards
    3D Video Acceleration
    Full-Motion Video
    Video Card Performance
    Monitor Construction and Operation
    Monitor Resolution, Color and Refresh
    Monitor Size
    CRT Characteristics
    Monitor Power and Safety
    Hard Disk Drives
    A Brief History of the Hard Disk Drive
    Construction and Operation of the Hard Disk Drive
    Hard Disk Operational Overview
    Hard Disk Platters and Media
    Hard Disk Read/Write Heads
    Read/Write Head Operation
    Read/Write Head Technologies
    Hard Disk Head Sliders, Arms and Actuator
    Hard Disk Spindle Motor
    Hard Disk Connectors and Jumpers
    Hard Disk Logic Board
    Hard Disk Cache and Cache Circuitry
    Hard Disk Form Factors
    Hard Disk Packaging and Mounting
    Hard Disk Geometry and Low-Level Data Structures
    Data Encoding and Decoding
    Tracks, Cylinders and Sectors
    Formatting and Capacity
    Geometry Specifications and Translation
    Error Management and Recovery
    Hard Disk Performance, Quality and Reliability
    Hard Disk Performance
    Hard Disk General Performance Issues
    Hard Disk Performance Measurement
    Hard Disk Performance Specifications
    General Notes On Performance Specifications
    Positioning Plus Transfer Performance Specifications
    Positioning Performance Specifications
    Transfer Performance Specifications
    Other Performance Specifications
    Hard Disk Internal Performance Factors
    Mechanical Design Factors
    Data Recording and Encoding Factors
    Controller and Cache Factors
    Hard Disk External Performance Factors
    Disk Interface Factors
    PC System Factors
    File System Factors
    Hard Disk Quality and Reliability
    Hard Disk Quality and Reliability Specifications
    Hard Disk Quality and Reliability Issues
    Hard Disk Quality and Reliability Features
    Hard Disk Warranty and Disaster Recovery Issues
    Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks (RAID)
    Why Use RAID? Benefits and Costs, Tradeoffs and Limitations
    RAID Concepts and Issues
    General RAID Concepts
    RAID Performance Issues
    RAID Reliability Issues
    RAID Levels
    Technical Factors Differentiating RAID Levels
    Single RAID Levels
    Multiple (Nested) RAID Levels
    "Just A Bunch Of Disks"
    Summary Comparison of RAID Levels
    RAID Configuration and Implementation
    RAID Controllers and Controller Features
    RAID Hard Disk Drive Requirements
    RAID Management
    Advanced RAID Features
    Hard Disk BIOS and Capacity Factors
    BIOS and the Hard Disk
    Hard Disk Size Barriers
    BIOS Translation Modes
    Overcoming BIOS Disk Size Barriers
    Hard Disk Interfaces and Configuration
    Hard Disk General Interface Factors
    Obsolete Hard Disk Interfaces
    Specialty and Future Hard Disk Interfaces
    Integrated Drive Electronics / AT Attachment (IDE/ATA) Interface
    Overview and History of the IDE/ATA Interface
    Official IDE/ATA Standards and Feature Sets
    Unofficial IDE/ATA Standards and Marketing Programs
    IDE/ATA Transfer Modes and Protocols
    IDE/ATA Configuration and Cabling
    Small Computer Systems Interface (SCSI)
    Overview and History of the SCSI Interface
    SCSI Standards
    SCSI Data Transfer Modes and Feature Sets
    SCSI Protocols and Interface Features
    Summary of SCSI Protocols and Transfer Modes
    SCSI Host Adapters
    SCSI Cables and Connectors
    SCSI Configuration and Cabling
    IDE/ATA vs. SCSI: Interface Comparison
    Hard Disk Logical Structures and File Systems
    Operating Systems and File Systems
    PC File Systems
    PC Operating System and File System Cross-Reference
    Major Disk Structures and the Boot Process
    FAT File System Disk Volume Structures
    Clusters and File Allocation
    Partitioning, Partition Sizes and Drive Lettering
    Disk Partitioning and Formatting Programs
    Disk Compression
    New Technology File System (NTFS)
    Overview and History of NTFS
    NTFS Versions
    NTFS Architecture and Structures
    NTFS Directories and Files
    NTFS Security and Permissions
    NTFS Reliability Features and System Management
    Other NTFS Features and Advantages
    NTFS Implementation Considerations
    Floppy Disk Drives
    Floppy Disk Drive Construction and Operation
    Floppy Disk Media and Low-Level Data Structures
    Floppy Disk Formats and Logical Structures
    Floppy Disk Interfacing and Configuration
    CD-ROM Drives
    CD-ROM Drive Construction and Operation
    Compact Disk Media
    Compact Disk Formats
    Recordable CD (CD-R)
    Rewriteable CD (CD-RW)
    CD-ROM Performance and Reliability
    CD-ROM Interfaces and Configuration
    Keyboard Construction and Operation
    Other Regular Keyboard Components
    Keyboard Operation
    Keyboard Key Groupings
    Keyboard Layouts
    General Layout Issues
    Alphanumeric Key Layouts
    Standard Keyboard Layouts
    Non-Standard Keyboard Layouts
    Special Keyboard Features and Accessories
    Keyboard Software Issues
    The PC Buyer's Guide
    Introduction To The PC Buyer's Guide
    Step-By-Step Summary Guide To Buying A PC
    Requirements Analysis
    General Requirements Analysis Issues
    Determining Your PC Requirements
    Buying, Building and Upgrading
    Budget Considerations
    PC Use Profiles
    Designing and Specifying PC Systems and Components
    PC Types
    Designing PCs: Structure and Subsystems
    PC Structural Design
    PC Subsystem Design
    Key Performance Issues In PC System Design
    Key Non-Performance Issues In PC System Design
    Component Specification Issues
    System-Based Key Component Selection
    Detailed Considerations and Tips for Specifying Particular Components
    Notebook PC Specification Issues
    Software Issues in PC Specification
    Understanding PC Sources, Vendors and Prices
    The PC Industry, Vendors and The Market
    Sources For PC Systems and Components
    Retail Sources
    Online, Catalog and Mail Order Sources
    Other Sources
    Summary Comparison of PC Sources
    Cross-Reference Between PC Sources and PC Types
    Researching Vendors and Prices
    Vendor Evaluation Factors
    Reputation and History
    Pricing, Selection and Stock
    Factors Affecting Pricing
    Customer Service
    Guarantees and Return Policies
    Warranty Service and Warranty Policies
    Vendor "Danger Signals"
    Purchasing PCs and Components
    Purchase Timing
    Delivery Methods and Issues
    Payment Methods
    Immediate Payment Options
    Delayed Payment Options
    Comparison of Payment Methods
    Making The Purchase
    Vendor and Order Problems and Solutions
    Common Vendor and Order Problems
    Dealing With Difficult Vendors and Order Problems
    Dealing With Vendor Abuses and Deceptive Practices
    After The Purchase
    Upon System Receipt
    Problems With Your System
    Final Matters
    System Care Guide
    Preventive Maintenance
    System Care: Protecting Your PC
    General System Care Factors
    Environmental Care Factors
    Cooling and Ventilation Care Factors
    Power Care Factors
    Care of Specific Components
    Care of Media
    Data Loss and Virus Prevention
    Data Problem Prevention
    Data Problem Detection
    Virus Detection and Protection
    Background on Viruses
    Virus Infection Mechanisms and Prevention
    Virus Scanning and Antivirus Software
    Backups and Disaster Recovery
    A Mental Exercise To Underscore the Importance of Backups
    The Risks To Your Data
    Backup Methods, Devices and Media
    Backup Scheduling and Media Rotation Systems
    What To Back Up
    How To Back Up
    Boot Disks
    Disaster Recovery
    Troubleshooting and Repair Guide
    General Troubleshooting Techniques
    Troubleshooting and Your Mental State
    Steps To Take First When Troubleshooting
    General Diagnostic Techniques
    Diagnostic, Troubleshooting and Repair Tools
    The Troubleshooting Expert
    Using the Troubleshooting Expert
    Troubleshooting Boot Problems
    Boot Problem Troubleshooting Walkthrough
    Quick Access to Boot Process Troubleshooting
    Troubleshooting The System Overall
    Troubleshooting BIOS Beep Codes
    American Megatrends Inc. (AMI BIOS)
    Award BIOS
    Phoenix BIOS
    Older BIOS Family (Phoenix BIOS Plus, PhoenixBIOS 1.x)
    Newer BIOS Family (PhoenixBIOS 4.x)
    Other Brand
    Troubleshooting Boot-Time Error Messages
    Troubleshooting Run-Time Error Messages
    Troubleshooting System Instablity, Reboots and Crashes
    Troubleshooting System Slowdowns
    Troubleshooting Specific Components
    System Case
    Assembly or Physical Issues
    LEDs or Case Buttons
    Key Lock
    Power Sources and Power Protection Devices
    Motherboard and System Devices
    General Failures
    CMOS Memory or Real-Time Clock
    System BIOS
    Physical Issues
    Secondary Cache
    System Bus, Resources and Expansion Cards
    The Processor
    System Memory
    Apparent Failure
    Parity Errors
    Memory Not Recognized
    Out of Memory Problems
    Performance Issues
    Video Cards
    Failure or Improper Operation
    Image Quality Problems
    Performance or Video Mode Issues
    Failure or Improper Operation
    Image Quality Problems
    Hard Disk Drives
    Booting or Operation Problems
    Missing Space Issues
    Configuration Issues
    Dynamic Drive Overlay Problems
    Disk Compression Issues
    Drive Letter Issues
    Physical Problems
    File System Problems
    Performance Issues
    Windows Issues
    Floppy Disk Drives
    Booting or Operation Problems
    Disk Formatting Problems
    Physical Problems
    File System Problems
    CD-ROM Drives
    Drive Not Recognized
    Configuration Problems
    Physical Problems
    Audio Issues
    Performance Issues
    Peripheral I/O Ports
    Operation and Connection Problems
    Speed Issues
    Errors and Download Problems
    Call Waiting Problems
    Software Modem Issues
    Operating Systems and Applications
    Obtaining Technical Support
    Using Automated Technical Support Systems
    Calling For Technical Support
    Other Alternatives for Technical Support
    Repairs, Returns and Refunds
    Determining the Feasibility of Repair
    Deciding On A Course Of Action
    Performing a Repair or Return
    System Optimization and Enhancement Guide
    System Optimizations and Enhancements
    Using the System Optimizations and Enhancements
    Enhance and Streamline the Boot Process
    Improve the PC's Physical and Environmental Characteristics
    System Resource (IRQ, DMA, I/O, COM) Conservation and Optimization
    General System Performance Optimization
    Operating System Performance Optimization
    Hard Disk Performance Optimization
    Windows System Resource Optimization
    Conventional and Upper Memory Optimization
    Video and Image Optimization
    File System Optimization and Freeing Disk Space
    Improve the Reliability of the System
    Miscellaneous Improvements
    Overclocking: The Dissenting Opinion
    Introduction to Overclocking
    Overclocking Risks and Rewards
    Should You Overclock?
    Procedure Guide
    Explanation of Procedure Overviews
    General Installation and Assembly Tips
    New PC Assembly Procedure
    Configuration Procedures
    System Layout Planning Procedure
    Case Floor Relocation Procedure
    Floppy Disk Drive Connection Procedure
    Hard Disk Drive Connection Procedure
    CD-ROM Drive Connection Procedure
    IDE/ATA Device Configuration Procedure
    Motherboard Configuration Procedure
    Motherboard and Case Connection Procedure
    External Peripheral Connection Procedure
    Physical Installation Procedures
    System Case Preparation Procedure
    Floppy Disk Drive Physical Installation Procedure
    Hard Disk Drive Physical Installation Procedure
    CD-ROM Drive Physical Installation Procedure
    Processor Physical Installation Procedure
    Heat Sink Physical Installation Procedure
    Cache Module Physical Installation Procedure
    Memory Module Physical Installation Procedure
    Motherboard Physical Installation Procedure
    I/O Port Connector Physical Installation Procedure
    PS/2 Mouse Port Connector Physical Installation Procedure
    Video Card Physical Installation Procedure
    Uninstallation and Disassembly Procedures
    System Case Cover Removal Procedure
    Setup and Inspection Procedures
    Post-Assembly Inspection Procedure
    Post-Assembly Initial Boot Procedure
    Safe BIOS Setup Procedure
    Post-Assembly Initial Test Procedure
    Hard Disk Partitioning and Formatting Procedure
    CD-ROM Driver Installation Procedure
    System Documentation Procedure
    Identification Procedures
    Video Card Identification Procedure
    Windows 95 Version Identification Procedure
    File System Identification Procedure
    Software Procedures
    Boot Disk Creation Procedure
    Manual Windows 95 Recovery Procedure
    Windows 95 Installation Procedure
    Technical Resource Guide (Including Links)
    Reference Tables
    Online Technical Resources (Links)
    General World Wide Web Links
    Component-Specific World Wide Web Links
    USEnet Newsgroups
    Internet Relay Chat (IRC)

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How Computers Work - Processor and Main Memory

Computers are the most complex machines that have ever been created. Very few people really know how they work. This book will tell you how they work and no technical knowledge is required. It explains the operation of a simple, but fully functional, computer in complete detail. The simple computer described consists mainly of a processor and main memory. Relays, which are explained, are used in the circuitry instead of transistors for simplicity. This book does not cover peripherals like modems, mice, disk drives, or monitors.
Did you ever wonder what a bit, a pixel, a latch, a word (of memory), a data bus, an address bus, a memory, a register, a processor, a timing diagram, a clock (of a processor), an instruction, or machine code is? Though most explanations of how computers work are a lot of analogies or require a background in electrical engineering, this book will tell you precisely what each of them is and how each of them works without requiring any previous knowledge of computers or electronics. However, this book starts out very easy and gets harder as it goes along. You must read the book starting at the first page and not skip around because later topics depend on understanding earlier topics. How far you can get may depend on your background. A junior high school science background should be enough. There is no mathematics required other than simple addition and multiplication. This is a short book, but it must be studied carefully. This means that you will have to read some parts more than once to understand them. Get as far as you can. You will be much more knowledgeable about how computers work when you are done than when you started, even if you are not able to get through the whole text. This is a technical book though it is aimed at a non-technical audience. Though this book takes considerable effort to understand, it is very easy for what it explains. After you have studied this book, if you go back and read it, it will seem simple. Good Luck!

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How Computers Work

Includes the basics of digital logical design, computer organization and architecture including assembly language, processor design, memory hierarchies and pipelining. Students examine the detailed construction of a very simple computer. Problem sets use Beta-Sim, a RISC simulator written by Mike Wessler. A higher level view of a modern RISC architecture is studied, using the Patterson and Hennessey introductory text, from both the programmer's point of view and the hardware designer's point of view. The distinction between RISC and CISC architectures is emphasized.
  • Philosophy and Roadmap, Simple Programs, Beta ISA
  • Storage Allocation, Stack Discipline, Calling Conventions
  • Unpipelined Beta, Exceptions
  • Implementing the ALU
  • Implementation of Beta Memories
  • Synchronous Finite State Machines (FSMs)
  • Flip flops, Asynchronous FSMs, Dynamic Discipline, Timing
  • Arbitration and Metastability
  • Static Discipline, Transistor-level design
  • Physics of Communication and Computation
  • Latency vs. Throughput, Explicit Parallelism
  • Pipelining the Beta, Hazards, Stalling, Anullment
  • Caches
  • Virtual Memory, Cache Coherence, Integration of Caches
  • Communications Networks
  • Explicitly Parallel Machines, Future Machines

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Hardware Book

Welcome to the Hardware Book. Internet's largest free collection of connector pinouts and cable descriptions.
  • Universal Serial Bus (USB)
  • ATX Power Supply
  • S-Video
  • VGA (15)
  • Serial (PC 9)
  • ATA (44) Internal
  • Pop-Port
  • IEEE1394


  • Nullmodem (9-9)
  • Ethernet 10/100/1000Base-T Straight Thru
  • Video to TV SCART
  • Ethernet 10/100/1000Base-T and 100Base-T4 Crossover
  • S-Video to SCART
  • S-Video to Composite
  • Cisco Console (9)
  • 9 to 15 pin VGA
  • IEEE1394 cable
  • Amiga to SCART


  • Apple TV
  • 800XL
  • Amiga 500
  • Amiga 1200
  • 800
  • C64
  • 800XE
  • 400
  • 1200XL
  • ZX Spectrum 128K


  • PS/2 to Serial Mouse
  • PS/2 Keyboard Y (Gateway)
  • GameCube Memory Card to SD
  • 9 to 25 Serial
  • DIN to Mini-DIN Keyboard
  • Serial to PS/2 Mouse
  • Macintosh Video to VGA
  • PS/2 Keyboard Y (IBM Thinkpad)
  • Mini-DIN to DIN Keyboard
  • Nullmodem


  • Atari
  • Sega
  • IBM
  • SGI
  • Apple
  • NEC
  • Commodore
  • Sinclair Research
  • Spectravideo
  • Mattel

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Hardware Reference Material

Facts and figures on a variety of topics. If your not careful, you just may learn something new.
This ebook offers computer hardware description of various topics including
  1. Cables - Types and standards - General descriptions of networking and peripheral cables.
  2. RAM - Descriptions - Technology overview: banking, capacity and form factors.
  3. Processors - Intel Family - From the 8086 to the Pentium 4.
  4. Hard Drives - Standards - ST-506, ESDI, ATA, SCSI .
  5. Main Board - Evolution and Technology - XT, AT,baby AT, ATX .
  6. PC Bus types - Expansion Slots - Peripheral connectors and internal data routes.
  7. Storage Media - How data is stored - Methods for storing data onto digital media.
  8. Networking - IEEE 802.3 LAN's - Ethernets, TCP/IP, Equipment.

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Download free Computer hardware Ebooks

This posting provides you free ebooks downloads on computer hardware and electroncis. This free online and pdf ebooks on computer hardware programming, computer architecture, system hardware, computer hardware networking, MMIXware, machine language, assembly language, VHDL, ATMEL AVR processors, 80x86/87, repairing PCs, hardware software, embedded systems, Cryptography, VLSI Design, electronics, computer storage devices, etc will guide to master in the above mentioned subjects.
You can download free computer hardware ebooks from the following links. visit these links and get free ebooks.

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Basic Computing Using Windows

Computers and Peripherals
What is a computer? A computer is a machine that inputs (takes in) facts and information (known as data), and then processes (does something to or with) it. Afterwards it outputs, or displays, the results for you to see. Data is all kinds of information, including, pictures, letters, numbers, and sounds. There are two main parts of computers, hardware and software. Hardware is all of the parts of the computer you can see and touch. Software is the instructions that a computer uses to do what you ask it to. Pieces of software are often called programs.
Many people mistakenly think that where the computer normally displays things is the computer. This is not true. That is the monitor. The computer is usually a box. Also, you may call the whole assembly of all the hardware (the computer and the monitor, for example) the computer.
There are different styles of monitors. One of these is the one already shown. It is called a CRT monitor. It takes more power than the other popular kind, called LCDs. However, CRT monitors work faster, which makes them better for fast games because the movement will blur less. LCDs are thinner than CRTs, but they are more expensive.

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Assemblers and Loaders

This book differs from the typical assembler text in that it is not a programming manual, and it is not concerned with any specific assembler language.Instead it concentrates on the design and implementation of assemblers and loaders. It assumes that the reader has some knowledge of computers and programming, and it aims to explain how assemblers and loaders work. Most of the discussion is general, and most of the examples are in a hypothetical, simple, assembler language. Certain examples are in the assembler languages of actual machines, and those are always specified.
This is mostly a professional book, intended for computer professionals in general, and especially for systems programmers.Ho wever, it can be used as a supplementary text in a systems programming or computer organization class at any level.
Chapter 1 introduces the one-pass and two-pass assemblers, discusses other important concepts—such as absolute- and relocatable object files—and describes assembler features such as local labels and multiple location counters. Data structures for implementing the symbol table are discussed in chapter 2.
Chapter 3 presents many directives and discusses their formats, meaning, and implementation.These directives are supported by many actual assemblers and, while not complete, this collection of directives is quite extensive.
The two important topics of macros and conditional assembly are introduced in chapter 4. The treatment of macros is as complete as practically possible. Features of the listing file are outlined, with examples, in chapter 5, while
chapter 6 is a general description of the properties of disassembler, and of three special types of assemblers.Those topics, especially meta-assemblers and high-level assemblers, are of special interest to the advanced reader.They are not new, but even experienced programmers are not always familiar with them.
Chapter 7 covers loaders.There is a very detailed example of the basic operation of a one pass linking loader, followed by features and concepts such as dynamic loading, bootstrap loader, overlays, and others.
Finally, chapter 8 contains a survey of four modern, state of the art, assemblers. Their main characteristics are described, as well as features that distinguish them from their older counterparts.

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ARM Assembly Language Programming

By Peter Knaggs and Stephen Welsh
Broadly speaking, you can divide the history of computers into four periods: the mainframe, the mini, the microprocessor, and the modern post-micoprocessor. The Mainframe era was chaterrized by computers that required large buildings and teams of technicians and operators to keep them going. More often than not, both academics and students had little direct contact with the mainframe - you handed a deck of punched cards to an operator and waited for the ouput to appear hours later. During the mainframe era, academics concentrated on languages and compilers, algorithms, and operating systems.
The minicomputer era put computers in the hands of students and academics, because university departments could now buy their own minis. As minicomputers were not as complex as mainframes and because students could get direct hands-on experience, many departments of computer science and electronic engineering taught students how to program in the native language of the computer - assembly language. In those days, the mid 1970s, assembly language programming was used to teach both the control of I/O devices, and the writing of programs. The explosion of computer software had not taken place, and if you wanted software you had to write it yourself.
The late 1970s saw the introduction of the Microprocessor. For the first time, each student was able to access a real computer. Unfortunately, microprocessors appeared before the introduction of low-cost memory (both primary and secondary). Students had to program microprocessors in assembly langauge because the only storage mechanicsm was often a ROM with just enough capacity to hold a simple single pass assembler.
The advent of the low-cost microprocessor system ensured that virtually every student took a course on assembly language. Even today, most courses in computer science include a module on computer architecture and organization, and teaching students to write programs in assembly language forces them to understand the computer's architecture. However, some computer scientist who had been educated during the mainframe era were unhappy with the microprocessor, because they felt that the 8 bit microprocessor was a retrograde step - its architecture was far more primitive that the mainframes they had studied in the 1960s....

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Complete WAP Security

The Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) is a leading technology for companies trying to unlock the value of the Mobile Internet.
Certicom products and services provide complete WAP security solutions today for all of those players involved in bringing the Internet to the mobile end-user — including content providers, equipment manufacturers, network operators, application service providers and enterprises.
The WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) is a suite of specifications that enable wireless Internet applications; these specifications can be found at WAP provides the framework to enable targeted Web access, mobile e-commerce, corporate intranet access, and other advanced services to digital wireless devices, including mobile phones, PDAs, two-way pagers, and other wireless devices. The suite of WAP specifications allows manufacturers, network operators, content providers and application developers to offer compatible products and services that work across varying types of digital devices and networks. Even for companies wary of WAP, individual elements of the WAP standards can prove useful by providing industry-standard wireless protocols and data formats.
The WAP architecture is based on the realization that for the near future, networks and client devices (e.g., mobile phones) will have limited capabilities. The networks will have bandwidth and latency limitations, and client devices will have limited processing, memory, power, display and user interaction capabilities. Therefore, Internet protocols cannot be processed as is; an adaptation for wireless environments is required. The entire suite of WAP specifications are derived from equivalent IETF specifications used on the Internet, modified for use within the limited capabilities in the wireless world.
Furthermore, the WAP model introduces a Gateway that translates between WAP and Internet protocols. This Gateway is typically located at the site of the mobile operator, although sometimes it may be run by an application service provider or enterprise.

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A Comprehensive Guide to Virtual Private Networks, Volume II: IBM Nways Router Solutions

The Internet nowadays is not only a popular vehicle to retrieve and exchange information in traditional ways, such as e-mail, file transfer and Web surfing. It is being used more and more by companies to replace their existing telecommunications infrastructure with virtual private networks by implementing secure IP tunnels across the Internet between corporate sites as well as to business partners and remote locations.
This updated redbook includes the IPSec enhancements provided by Version 3.3 of the IBM Nways Multiprotocol Routing Services (MRS), Nways Multiprotocol Access Services (MAS) and Access Integration Services (AIS) that implement the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) protocol. This redbook also includes other new features, such as the policy engine, digital certificate and LDAP support, and QoS. The VPN scenarios are enhanced to reflect the latest implementation of IPSec and L2-tunneling functionality.
In this redbook we delve further into these scenarios by showing you how to implement solutions that exploit Data Link Switching (DLSw), IP Bridging Tunnels, Enterprise Extender (HPR over IP), APPN DLUR, TN3270, and Tunneling on layer 2 (L2TP, L2F, PPTP) through an IPSec tunnel.
A working knowledge of the IPSec protocols is assumed.

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